Are you exhausted by always hustling for new connections and opportunities?

Would you rather have them delivered to you instead?

Then this blog post is for you. 

By dialing up your charisma, you can attract high value people into your life. And those people bring with them friendships, adventures, romantic relationships, job opportunities, etc.

But in order to dial up your charisma, it’s important to know what exactly it is and what you need to work on to unlock it from within you. The upside is we can all become charismatic. The downside is it can take some work, but that’s what we at the Art of Charm are here for.

By the end of this post, you will know:

  1. What charisma is
  2. Why you should care about it (if you don’t already)
  3. How to unlock your charisma using three traits we all have

Ready? Then let’s start with the basics.

Sidenote—a nice suit is a must if you want to set yourself apart when it counts

What is charisma?

Psychology Today defines charisma as “the ability to attract, to charm, and to influence the people around you.”

And as Johnny put it in our latest podcast, “Attraction doesn’t end there. Charismatic people also attract opportunities, new friends, and good times.”

In the simplest terms, charisma is like a magnetic force.

So, rather than spending time and energy chasing after what you want, being a charismatic person will draw people to you.

And sometimes charisma draws too many people!

Why should you care about being charismatic? 

Charisma is not just about being more popular or getting more dates.

Being a more charismatic person enables you to express who you are so that you attract high value people and opportunities into your life. It can be physically and mentally demanding to always be pursuing more work, more connections, more opportunities.

But do you know what’s much less demanding?

Having a life that brings those things to you so you can spend more time enjoying the fruits of your labor and not working yourself to the bone everyday.

If you want to lead a life where amazing people and opportunities come to you instead of requiring you to chase them, then read on.

This could be us but you need those tight white jeans first

The Three Dials of Charisma 

You don’t need to be born with a magnetic personality to be charismatic.

You need self-awareness and a willingness to improve.


Because we all have the ability to: 

  1. be present
  2. express enthusiasm
  3. build confidence

Since each and every one of us can do those three things, we all have the potential to be as charismatic as we want.

So how do you start playing with those three dials to unlock your charisma?

I promise there are only three dials

Be Present 

This first one might seem weird at first.

“Why do I need to focus on what’s going on around me in order to be more charismatic?”

Think about what it’s like to get lunch with someone you just met.

Imagine being in the middle of telling her a story…

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